Tuesday 15 November 2011

At Sea

Humpback dives into the deep
For the past two days we have been at sea, rocking and rolling our way across the Southern Ocean. The eight hundred mile voyage has taken us across the Antarctic convergence where the ocean dives in temperature and past the tiny ‘Shag Rocks.’ It took us some time and several doses of seas sickness meds for us to find our sea legs. Onboard ship we had lectures on Antarctic history, photography and wildlife by several authors and seasoned Antarctic experts. By the second day at sea the wind had calmed and fog cleared. We ventured out on deck to see a pair of Humpback whales surface and then flip their tails high into the air before descending into the deep. Fur seals also swam along side the ship along with Albatross’s circling high above. Now we are on the approach to South Georgia which is hidden in fog, King Penguins have started to appear swimming along the side of the ship.  We should make landing later this afternoon.

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