Thursday 24 November 2011

Kayaking in the Ice

Kayaking around Enterprise Island
An amazing day! We awoke early to clear blue skies, bright sunshine and the glaciers and peaks of the Gerlache Strait surrounding us. After dropping anchor in Wilhelmina bay we dressed into our dry suits and climbed into our kayaks. The bay was full of icebergs and pack ice. Gazing into the depths of the crystal clear water we could see the incredible size of the icebergs beneath. Eagerly we began paddling through this surreal landscape. Our passage through the ice took us around the neighbouring Enterprise Island. We passed the occasional penguin, drifting on an iceberg as well some Crabeater Seals, baking in the sun.
Cruising up the Neumayer Channel

Paddling around the huge icebergs and ploughing over some of the smaller ones took us to a rocky area on the edge of the Island, where we hauled up our kayaks and reenergized with tea and chocolate. Continuing our kayaking around Enterprise Island we ran into pack ice which blocked path ahead so we began a fast paddle back around to make it to the ship in time for lunch. As we ate on the deck of the ship enjoying the sunshine, we travelled across the Gerlache Strait and into the Neumayer Channel with its beautiful glaciers and ice cliffs. Pods of Orcas escorted us through the Channel as well as several Minke whales.

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