Tuesday 22 November 2011

Returning to Sea

After spending almost a day in a category eight storm the trip down from South Georgia has been far from smooth. Waves over eight metres came crashing down on the deck as objects flew out of drawers and across the cabin. The heavy swells slowed our journey south as our speed stalled to just four knots. For sometime the ship had to travel towards Australia to avoid damage in the storm. Meal times became an exercise in balance and grip as we made our way across the ship to the dining room hanging on with two hands as we went; then attempting to eat and drink normally as the ship rocked heavily. After the storm slowed and passed we picked up speed as we approached the Antarctic Peninsula
Gentoo Penguins swimming in front of the ship
Our whale spotting activities from the deck and the bridge were rewarded with sightings of Fin, Sei, Minke and Humpback during the voyage. The shadow of Elephant Island appeared on the horizon as night approached, our next landing will be in Antarctica tomorrow. 

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