Tuesday 8 November 2011


Nicole outside Catedral Metroploitana
Statue in Plaza de Armas
Arriving in Santiago it quickly became apparent that our non- existent Spanish might prove to be a problem. Wondering around on day one in a jet lag induced daze we pointed and made strange hand gestures and some how managed to obtain food, water and start to navigate around the city. With some key phrases such as ‘I am a vegetarian, what can you recommend?’ and ‘I would like some non-fizzy mineral water please?’ we soon found our way. Following some sleep, by the second day we had adopted our local metro station as our own and began an epic walking tour across the city and up on the funicular railway to the top of Cerro San Cristobal. Whist very welcome the 30 degree heat however isn't really helping with our Antarctica prep and the 0 degree day time temperature that will meet us in the Falkland Islands on Saturday.

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